Garden & Goods


We have many garden spaces already and are always trying to make room for more. We have an extensive list of plants already added to the property since moving here and we are learning about the plants on our property that are growing wild. We will start adding products to our store as they become available.

Examples of products we hope to provide

  • Native and non-native live plants - potted, bare root, and cuttings

  • Seeds

  • Herbs & Spices - fresh and died

  • In-season produce

Reach out to us anytime to see what we may have available as the website is not always up to date.


With all of our garden plants we have a wide range of opportunities to explore for homemade products. As we continue to grow and learn we will begin to post products in our shop. We also always welcome suggestions for products you think we should make.

Examples of products we hope to provide

  • Dried herbs and spices

  • Tea mixes

  • Skin care products such as scrubs, salves, and balms.

You can also check out Beacon Fire Bitters for more information about our Bitters and Simple Syrups.

Reach out to us anytime to see what we might have available as the website is not always up to date.