Welcome to

About Us

BFF is a small, family run, hobby farm located in Monclova, OH.

Our hope is to increase our self-sustainability as well as to provide locally produced food, homemade products, and ethically raised animals.

This is home base of a diverse array of projects and interests. It is a place for experimentation in homesteading, continued growth of the property, and development of many different types of projects. Please join us on this journey!

Our Projects

We moved to this property in late summer 2019 and we have accomplished a lot since then. We are currently focusing on expanding our garden areas, expanding and improving on animal projects, and overall continued development of the property. We utilize a variety of land management methods such as permaculture, forest farming, and closed system.

Gardens: We are focusing on food production, native planting, medicinal use plants, as well as plants that can be used for our bitters, simple syrups, and teas.

Animals: We strive to produce ethically raised animals that may be kept or sold for food, show, and pets. Some of our animals are heritage breeds, some are relatively uncommon, some are bred with show standards in mind, and some just for pets.